I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas! We sure did at our house. We enjoyed wonderful times with family and friends. We spent a very special 29th birthday with Tina on the 23rd. On Christmas eve, we spent our day with Grandma and Grandpa Buettner, Uncle Ben and Aunt Sam, and Great-grandma Verla. We were even able to visit with Uncle Joe, Aunt Susan, and cousin Amelia via the webcam on Grandma's computer. On Christmas day we paid a visit to the extended Koerner family and then my family including Grandma/pa Backhoe(Arndt), Uncle Brad and Aunt Jen, Uncle Travis and Uncle Josh, and GG and Poppi. We had a spectacular day and are now in search of a new house for all the wonderful gifts Harrison received. He is a very lucky little boy. Instead of posting pics of us at Christmas, I thought I would share some pics we took in the morning on Christmas day. For his birthday, Harrison got some "mud" soap from his Great Aunt Susan, so we thought we would try it out. Harrison had fun taking a "mud" bath and mommy had fun smearing it all over him.