Saturday, June 27, 2009

For those of you that aren't on facebook (myself included)

I know some of you have already heard the news and all the details, but those of you who follow my blog deserve to know too. My sassy baby boy decided he did not want to wait any longer and started giving me grief on Wednesday. I started having cramping at 6am Wednesday morning. Not ever having had contractions with Harrison, I wasn't quite sure what my body was doing. I had my regular appt. that day, so I called the nurse and asked if she wanted to see me any earlier. She decided to put me on the monitor at 1:30. (1/2 hour b4 my appt.) I started timing my contractions and found they were coming every 5 minutes and lasting about 30 seconds a piece. At the doctor they put my on the monitor and found my contractions were now coming every 3 minutes and they were pretty intense. At this point the nurses eyes got quite large and she ran to get the doctor. The doctor checked me and found that I was 3cm dialated and 80% efaced. The doc looked at me and said, "How would you feel about having a baby today?". I'll tell you what I felt. AHHHHHH! Anyway, I walked over to labor and delivery and got myself prepped for surgery. Corbin Robert Buettner was born at 4:06pm on Wednesday, June 24th. He was 7lbs. 7oz. and 21" long. Not bad for being 3 weeks early. Both of us are doing fine and we would love to see any and all of you if you are willing to put up with a two year old who is adjusting to life that does not revolve around him any more. Here is some of Corbin at the hospital. More pics to come later.


Sandy said...

He is beautiful! We cannot wait to come see you. We'll give you a call and hopefully be able to see you sometime this next week. Let me know what you need and we'll bring it over! Congratulations!!!

Melissa said...

Congratulations Shanna and Rob!! He is beautiful!! I can't wait to meet him!